Head of Operations Job at Money Trust Microfinance Bank Limited

Position Title: Head of Operations.

Job Station: Lagos State.


Head of Operations job opportunity is available at Money Trust Microfinance Bank Limited for individuals who possess relevant qualifications.


  • Supervise and coordinate branch operations activities on a daily basis
  • Maintain a highly motivated, skilled and trained workforce with operations
  • Ensure that all activities and process undertaken by operations unit conform to set standards pertaining to banking policies
  • Ensure technical, banking and operation policies are efficiently and appropriately achieved
  • Manage centralized loan processing and account opening functions to ensure efficiency, quality and control over loan creation and completeness of Know Your Customer (KYC) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) activities

Vault balancing:

  • Central Operations – Account Services, Clearings, Payments, Cash Management and Reconciliation
  • Card Operations – Account Services, Reconciliation of the Bank’s debit card activities
  • Safeguard customer data and protect against fraud through management of authorization levels and access rights
  • Treasury Operations – FI Transaction activity and 3rd Party Funds / Investment processing

Customer Service:

  • To establish and maintain appropriate management of treasury liquidity position of the company at every point in time
  • To ensure that loan account debit position is reduced to the barest minimal for reduced loan interest at the end of the month
  • To coordinate instant transfers to various company bank account to meet disbursement needs


  • Develop and manage a team of well-trained, focused and motivated Banking Services staff
  • To demonstrate and /or develop a proactive “change the Bank mindset”
  • To ensure deliverables of team assigned
  • To perform any other duty assigned by management from time to time

Apply Before :-

30th November, 2019.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to: info@moneytrustmfb.com using the Job Title a subject of the email.

WHO IS Money Trust Microfinance Bank Limited?

Money Trust Microfinance Bank Limited, a leading solutions-driven microfinance bank in Nigeria. Our mission is to be the microfinance bank of repute, building our customers one at a time with integrated ICT solutions.

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