Social Work Assistant Job at Lead Global Initiative

Position Title: Social Work Assistant.

Job Station: Lagos State.


Social Work Assistant job opportunity is available at Lead Global Initiative for individuals who possess High school diploma


  • Keep accurate, updated, organized records after every client visit to ensure that there are no undocumented breaks between treatments or visits.
  • Answer questions about benefits that are available to individuals, or refer them to the correct organization to get help.
  • Discuss benefits like child care, food stamps, housekeeping, sanitation and money management to determine needs versus wants.
  • Review and submit reports regarding any problems with a customer or a supervisor.
  • Get together weekly with supervisor to brainstorm and come up with ways to improve programs for individual families within the community, and to determine better ways to serve citizens.
  • Interview family members or individuals to obtain a complete family history to more closely determine which services are appropriate and needed.
  • Oversee group activities on a daily basis and run meetings when a social worker can’t be present.
  • Meet with youth groups and at-risk groups in the area to teach them about consequences associated with drugs, violence and delinquency to encourage them to make good choices.


  • Applicants must be between the ages of 18-24 years old
  • High school diploma
  • Knowledge about any of the following areas: marriage, speech, sociology, personal and family health, human biology or casework methods
  • Flexible hours and ability to weekends.


  • Experience in some type of customer service role
  • Associate’s degree in a related field
  • Preferably a female (beautiful and presentable)
  • Resident in lagos (ikeja/ogba axis).

Apply Before :-

29th November, 2019.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their details to: Using the “Job Title” as the subject of the mail.

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