Universal Insurance Plc Job Recruitment

Latest job opportunities at Universal Insurance Plc. See the requirements and procedure to apply for Universal Insurance Plc jobs online.

Universal Insurance Plc Job Recruitment

Universal Insurance Plc is currently seeking for suitably qualified individuals to fill the following vacant posts:

  1. Direct Sales Executive
  2. Senior Sales Manager
  3. Direct Sales Manager

Direct Sales Executive

Job Location: Lagos


  • Candidates should possess minimum of BSC / HND with 1-2 years’ experience in marketing and sales in general insurance.

Senior Sales Manager

Job Location: Lagos


  • Candidates should be graduates with a minimum of 8 years’ experience in retail insurance (General Business),
  • Ability to lead a team of Sales & Business Development.

Direct Sales Manager

Job Location: Lagos


  • Candidates should be graduates with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in retail insurance (marketing and sales), a
  • Ability to lead a team of Sales Workforce.

How to Apply for Universal Insurance Plc Jobs.

Apply Before: 20th May, 2019.

How To Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV with the position code as the subject mail to: recruitment@universalinsuranceplc.com

For applicants residing in Lagos only.

About Universal Insurance Plc.

The Universal Insurance Company Limited (UNISURE), now Universal Insurance Plc. was established by the then Eastern Nigeria Government, African Continental Bank Plc in 1961 through an association between Eastern Nigeria Development Corporation (ENDC) and Pearl Assurance Company Limited of London whereby ENDC acted as agents to the insurance company.

The Universal Insurance Company Limited also from inception has been on a partnership relationship with Swiss Reinsurance Company of Zurich, which also provided the necessary reinsurance support. Mr. K. R. Lugg an expertrate had the privilege of being the first General Manager of the Company until 1963 when Mr. M.A.C Chukwudinma was appointed the 1st indigenous General Manager.

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