Head, Human Resources Job at Bemil Nigeria Limited

Position Title: Head, Human Resources.

Job Station: Lagos State.


Head, Human Resources job opportunity is available at Bemil Nigeria Limited for individuals who possess BSc, MSc or MBS


  • Responsible for engaging, maintaining, developing, and efficiently utilising the Company’s human resources by designing, articulating, planning, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of human resources and employee relations policies, practices and programs with a view to improving the working environment, cultivate happy work-force and raise employee productivity.
  • Maintains the work structure by updating job requirements and job descriptions for all positions.
  • Ensuring that only suitably qualified persons are engaged to undertake the company’s services by establishing efficient and effective recruiting, testing and interviewing and selection processes
  • Establishing and maintaining a balanced pay plan by conducting periodic pay surveys; scheduling and conducting job evaluations; preparing pay budgets; monitoring and scheduling individual pay actions and recommending and implementing pay structure reviews.
  • Proper documentation and safe-keeping of human resource records nation-wide; and maintaining historic human resource records by designing and implementing a filing and archiving system that will efficiently keep current and past records.
  • Visiting of state/regional offices of the company and effectively coordinating HR policies and practices nation-wide


  • BSc, MSc or MBS / Minimum of 5 years’ experience.

Key Competencies:

  • Good planing, organizational, analytical and decision-making skills
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Tactful and discrete when dealing with people and confidential information
  • Initiative.

Apply Before

3rd December, 2019.


Very attractive.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: hhr@bemilnigeria.com using the “Job Title”as the subject of the mail.

WHO IS Bemil Nigeria Limited?

Bemil Nigeria Limited is a wholly indigenous company which has been at the forefront of providing Security Management, Cash-In-Transit / Valuable Protection and Security Consultancy & Training since its inception in 1978.

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